Monday, February 3, 2014

Stateless OAuth2 providers in CXF 3.0.0

Writing a proper OAuth2 data provider typically involves persisting the data such as access token, refresh token and transient authorization code representations in the storage of some sort (relational database, etc).

It is also a well-known fact that major OAuth2 providers often have the access token state encrypted - the clients effectively keep the token state, the server does not need to worry about persisting and looking up the tokens. It is assumed the cost of the encryption and decryption work is smaller, especially when a lot of clients are stressing the OAuth2 server.

CXF 3.0.0-milestone2, to be released shortly, introduces the dedicated utility classes to help users experimenting with encrypting and decrypting the token state.

Please check this introduction and proceed from there. Get your stateless OAuth2 server up and running in no time.

The feedback will be highly appreciated,

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